I am currently going through a pretty tough time in my early thirties, my wife and I have decided to separate because we have had too much happen between us to see each other in the same light again and the love we had is lost. I found out after we agreed to separate, she started seeing a friend she met at work after hours, which really broke me! I was not upset that she found someone, but rather that is happened so quick. I also realised that during our marriage, I had also caused her trauma, which she pushed her to emotionally distance herself and ended up moving on while we were still married. I do not fault her for finding support in another man and I am working on myself to deal with my big emotions in a healthier and constructive way. We have both agreed that we didn’t handle our issues in our relationship head-on, instead we sunk deeper in our own holes until is was too late. It has been over a month since our mutual separation, and I am working on myself to be a better father, and a better person. I started being more active in the mornings since I can work from home and started hiking and doing exercises in the morning to help fix my back issues. I found the quilted heart during one of the most difficult times in my life, and it is and will be a symbol of my recovery and improvement that I need to strive for every day!