West Trenton, NJ USA

I was diagnosed with the inherited cardiac disease hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and as a result I have suffered the symptom Atrial Fibrillation. In my efforts to achieve an optimally functioning heart and overall wellness, I have made walking a part of my daily life as well as educating others about cardiac health and wellness. This morning while walking on the trail along the D&R Canal in West Trenton, NJ, I saw a beautiful heart hanging from a tree branch. My first instinct was to photo the random oddly placed heart as I often photo feathers, the moving water, wildlife, and random oddities on my walks but when I got closer to the heart I realized there was a message “I NEED A HOME!” My heart was so full and I was touched. I thought, “Look at God. Reminding me that he sees me, hears my prayers, and knows my needs.” It all brought tears to my eyes. There was a couple passing by that were just as excited by my find as I was. I told them “I’m going to take a picture of it and then it’s coming with me.” We all laughed. “I found a heart and I’m going to hang it from my Christmas tree (its June 2, 2023).” Whoever you are, thank you for being obedient. You have poured into my heart.