Welland, ON Canada

Today I decided to walk further than I usually do. I had the family dogs with me so I felt motivated and secure enough to take on the extra distance on my own. You see, I’ve been challenging agoraphobia for almost a decade now, while also managing anxiety and depression. I’ve recently met the love of my life and we are getting married this summer. She has been a major part of my healing journey. I have come so very far with her by my side ❤️

She is away on business right now, so I scooped up the dogs and got outside for a walk on this beautiful sunny spring day. I popped my earbuds in and walked my “safe” walk. The sun was warm and the music was great. Our dogs were happy and strangers were smiling. So, I took all that positive energy and decided to go a little further. I ended up walking down along the Welland canal. Rowers were in the water, the breeze was cool on my skin… then I look ahead and something caught my eye. Something cute and small was swinging in the wind on a bare tree branch just off the path.

I smiled with excitement when I realized it was a heart! A lovely, blue (my fav colour) patchwork heart! My spirit was so happy. I was going to leave it for someone else, to bring more joy to the world but then I decided to take it home and keep the memory of this beautiful day. A special reminder of my positive experience and victory of confronting my fears. A reminder that although it can be terrifying, there are always good things on the other side.

Thank you whoever did this ❤️