My boyfriend and I met 16 months ago and quickly realized we were each others’ dream come true. On one of our first adventures he showed me a fresh water spring that’s close by and we stopped there often. One short month later, M died tragically. It’s been the most devastating time of my life but little by little, I’m finding peace. Today I was driving home from my first race in 20 years, something he would have been so proud of me for. I was telling M how much I miss him and will always love him but after 15 long months of grieving, feel that I’m finally ready for someone to share my life and these special events with. I drove by the spring and decided to turn around and get some water. There on the pipe was this beautiful quilted heart. I knew with everything in me that that nudge to turn around and find this wonderful gift was a sign from M, of his love and support as I turn the page and start a new chapter.