Umdloti, KwaZula-Natal, South Africa

I found a quilted heart ❤️ #IFAQH
This morning, we went for our usual beach run in Umdloti. After spending a few days over the Easter weekend, ending & celebrating a 40 day fast & working at drawing closer to God while reading The Purpose Driven Life book by Rick Warren I came across this beautiful quilted heart hanging on a branch. I hesitated at first, thinking maybe it’s for someone else. Then I rethought the moment & decided I saw it. It’s meant for me… ✨️

I strongly believe that if we live daily looking out for the extraordinary in every experience, you will most definitely find it. Over the past few weeks leading up to Easter, I’ve been reminded more & more how uniquely we’ve all been created & what tremendous amount of purpose lies within us. I pray, hope & plan to take the lessons I’ve learned, the struggles I’ve faced, challenges I’ve overcome together with my love for self development, inspiration, healing & creating to help others wherever I can & wherever God leads me going forward. Thank you to the person who placed this beautiful quilted heart this morning. ❤️

It’s the first time I’ve heard of this project, @ifoundaquiltedheart
It’s really awesome. ✨️🤗