My wife and I have found 2 beautiful quilted hearts at McLane. About a year ago after our cat passed away, we went on a walk at McLane to visit him. On our way back we found a quilted heart hanging on a stump. At the time we were too caught in grief to write about it, but the heart meant so much to us. Today, after our honeymoon we went back to visit him; again on our way back we stumbled upon another heart. To whoever is placing them, thank you. I know you have no way of knowing but you have brought warmth to a very hard time. I cannot express the love these have made us feel. To everyone else who is placing these hearts in the world, thank you for all the love and joy you are spreading. I sadly do not have a photo of the first heart as its in a box I am not quite ready to open, but here is a photo of the second one.
McLane Creek Nature Trail