Aug 05

Fort Collins, CO USA

This heart meant more to me than the person who made it could even know and I was so truly blessed to find it. My husband and I found this

Aug 05

Keystone, SD USA

My husband and I were riding our motorcycle through the Hills and found this beautiful heart hanging from an umbrella at BarLees in Keystone, SD. Made us smile we’ve been

Aug 01

Carlsbad, CA USA

Tough day that day. Worked 6 hour shift on 2 hours of sleep. 75 Cents in my pocket. Didnt eat all day. Friend was gonna give me a ride home

Jul 31

Brookings, SD USA

I am so surprised to find a so lovely heart on campus of South Dakota State University on Saturday morning and also evening(7-29-2017). They are so beautiful and I will

Jul 31

TaHaZouka Dog Park, Norfolk, NE USA

WOW! This heart just made my night. I was feeling very blue and had just said a prayer of thanks for all I have and guidance to lead me in

Jul 30

Middletown, DE USA

Found Friday afternoon 7/28 at Battery park. We went out for a nice ride on the motorcycle and decided to stop there to go out on the pier overlooking the

Jul 28

Cheyenne, WY USA

My 10 y/o son found it and gave it to his 5 y/o sister! Found at Cheyenne Frontier Days 2017 Pancake Breakfast. Cheyenne, WY 7/28/17 Now the 5 y/o thinks

Jul 28

Sioux Falls, SD USA

My son found this little beauty in amongst a bunch of natural beauty at Falls Park in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. — at Sioux Falls. Falls park.

Jul 27

Loveland, CO USA

I found this cheery little giraffe heart outside our office in Loveland, CO yesterday. What a fun surprise to see it there. We will display it to remind us that

Jul 27

Fort Collins, CO USA

Heart on the Oval – This morning, on my way to work in the Statistics Department at Colorado State University I looked down and saw the sweetest little heart hanging

Jul 21

Clovis, CA USA

We found this beauty in Clovis, California at JoAnn’s I found it as a was about to take my daughter out of the truck and have decided to keep it

Jul 20

Cuttyhunk, MA USA

I found this heart in Cuttyhunk, MA on the 4th of July! I am a lover of all things heart! Always searching for them in random places, so it was

Jul 11

Placerville, CA USA

I found this beautiful heart in beautiful downtown Placerville. I have recently moved to Placerville and love the community. This is just another example of how wonderful people here are.

Jul 09

Kinsale, Ireland

Have a B & B in Kinsale, Ireland. Thrilled to find this on the roof garden of one of my guest rooms. Found a lovely home for it…. it just

Jul 07

Napa, CA USA

It was July 4th and I was walking around downtown Napa in a secret hidden place. I was looking at hush until I noticed something strange hanging on the branch.

Jul 07

Virginia City, NV USA

We found a beautiful heart in Virginia City, Nevada.  We were up in Virginia City, Nevada to celebrate the 4th of July when my husband spotted this adorable little heart

Napa, CA USA

I found these two beauties in downtown Napa on the way to and from the Fourth of July parade. I saw another one, but left it for someone else to

Jul 02

Georgetown, CA USA

I found my quilted heart a while back, but it promptly got buried with other ‘things to do’. I just re-found it, so decided I better post. Was found outside

Jun 29

Letavertes, Hungary

HEY! My son and my nephew found this tiny little heart at a Lavender Farm , Letavertes,Hungary, Europe. It made us very happy, thank you for this…

Jun 16

Sacramento, CA USA

I work for Target and was very busy working and was kind of having a rough day when I found this ❤. I can’t tell you how much this made

Jun 10

Clarksville, IN USA

I found my quilted heart while my dad and I were walking in Lapping Park. It was hanging from a tree near the butterfly gardens.

Jun 10

Clarksville, IN USA

i was out for a bike ride on the lapping park trails this morning, 6/9/17, at about 7:30 a.m. e.s.t. i stopped at a random trail intersection for a drink

Jun 10


This heart made my day!!!! – It was early in the morning at work. My day had begun really bad, I was feeling so frustrated things were not going well…

May 26

Buford, GA USA

Buford, Ga (The Mall of Ga in a photo booth) – I found the heart in June of 2016 but I am just now reporting it. I was on a

May 14

Walnut Creek, CA USA

Found this in Walnut Creek near La Scala on Sunday. I’ve been going through a lot lately and then stumbled upon this. Then looked up this project and I found

May 10

Walnut Creek, CA USA

I found my heart at 930pm in Walnut Creek, CA on my way home from a very long day. Made my day and gave me a laugh because literally last

May 09

Walnut Creek, CA USA

Stopped in Walnut Creek on the way home to Rocklin from San Mateo to do some shopping/lunch and sat in front of Macy’s to snap this pic of my daughter

May 04

Murphys, CA USA

Found a quilted heart in Murphys CA. What a nice day of tasting wines and meeting nice locals. Your quilted heart finds it home in St.Niklausen, OW, Switzerland.

May 01

Tauranga, New Zealand

It is so special to stumble across random acts of kindness in this busy world. Taking time to look around us to see the beauty of life and be greeted

May 01

Viera, FL USA

I work at bonefish grill in viera florida. I was cleaning a table and found it on a ledge at the back of table

Apr 29

Vacaville, CA USA

I found this quilted heart on 4-19-17 in Vacaville, Ca. On the corner of Edgewood & Buck!! I just got off of work and i was tired & was walking

Apr 12

Louisville, KY USA

Louisville, KY – Downtown business district, on the sidewalk. My Mom passed away in 1997 and would have celebrated a birthday a couple of days ago. I’d been thinking about

Apr 07

Portland, OR USA

I came out of the woods to learn that my friend Michael had passed in his sleep. “Oh, wow….” I called out behind a computer screen from the comfort of

Apr 02

Davis, CA USA

I really needed this today: #IFAQH I was feeling rushed and anxious about the state of the world, then my little dog Julia got out 20 minutes before I even

Mar 17

Davis, CA USA

I go to UC Davis, and this morning I arrived on campus very tired and sleepy to code a project for my computer science class. Since I actually really didn’t

Mar 14

Las Vegas, NV USA

March 9, 2017 We were going to the cardiologist for my husbands 1 year check up. Last April he suffered a heart attack. He has been struggling with the medication

Mar 06

Sacramento, CA USA

While visiting the Sacramento Zoo with my 2 children I found this lovely quilted heart. It brought me more joy and happiness than you know.

Mar 06

Old Downtown Auburn, CA USA

I found this heart on a branch in Old Downtown Auburn, California outside of a darling gift shop…thinking it belonged to them I took it inside. The two shop keepers

Feb 26

Folsom, CA USA

Today I was having a difficult moment with my daughter and needed to walk outside and take a deep breath and stand in the sun outside of a ceramic store

Feb 20

Napa, CA USA

I found this heart hanging from a young tree on the sidewalk just outside of Gott’s Roadside restaurant as I was walking back to my car from Model Bakery where