It was the Monday after probably one of the most stressful weeks of my life. I am a student at Penn State University and had 4 exams the previous week, three of which were accounting so clearly not fun. I have been a victim of anxiety for awhile now but for some reason it really hit a new level that I had never experienced before towards the end of last week. It got so unbearable I did not leave my apartment once from Thursday to Sunday due to the stress that I had been feeling. Monday rolled around and I forced myself to get out of bed and get to class, even though the dread and nervousness lingered in my body. I told myself just to make it through class and then I can have a nice peaceful day to myself. I got probably about 30 minutes through my first one before I had to leave due to yet another panic attack. It was in the business building so I knew the best and closest place to go was right across the street to the arboretum. I stayed there for probably about 4-5 hours before I had the courage to leave and walk home. I was walking by a railing and saw something dangling there that I guess no one else had seemed to notice, at least none of the people I saw walking in front of me. So I stopped obviously and picked it up and read “I need a home. Someone made this heart just for you.” This was at exactly 6:30 pm and I know this because I immediately FaceTimed my mom crying, but this time not out of panic, but of an overwhelming sense of relief. My mom was the first person I had talked to in 5 days. I know this seems crazy and a little cliche but I swear I feel like this heart truly was meant for me to find. I do not know who made it or if they will read this, but just in case, thank you so much. Your kindness and love to others does not go unappreciated or unnoticed. I am so, so grateful.