St. Martins, NB Canada

Hubby and I were doing one last walk about with our pup, before loading up to travel home. Akira, our pup, didn’t want to end her walk and headed towards the garden around the lighthouse. This is her favourite sniff spot. Although it was down-pouring, we went anyway. Afterall, it’s her vacation too. 😉 Just as we round the first bend in the path, we saw something hanging from a tree. We checked it out and hubby got it down for us. Akira was excited with the find.
Upon arriving back home, the heart was hung from Akira’s kennel/den and she sniffs it often when walking by.

We travel to St. Martins 2-3 times a year. It is our favourite vacation spot and we talk often about moving there upon retirement.
St. Martins has our hearts. And now, it’s safe to say, we have St. Martins’ heart! Thank you to whomever made our heart and put it up in this weather.
We love it❤️