I was walking out a clothing store, down to my car. I am on a journey to lose the weight I gained during the pandemic and because of that I don’t want to buy new clothes, you know, because I am losing weight, I don’t want to waste them when they get big on me. But, I went to one of my favorite stores, looking for a new pair of jeans. It was very frustrating but I managed to find one that I like. I also saw some crop tops and no, I don’t wear them because I don’t feel confident enough to do so in public, but they are so cute and I really want to wear them so I got myself some new crop tops to see if I convince myself to wear them out in this hot Atlanta weather. So I am walking down to my car, thinking, “who do you think you are?” “you think you are young?” “You don’t have a body to wear that” you know, what we all do to ourselves. And while I was in that mental battle, I saw this colored heart popping out of a green bush. It was beautiful, I pass by it but something told me to go back and look at it. I was a little scared because how the world is this days but I saw the card, look for the website and a smile covered my face. Thank you, who ever did this, thank you. I started walking with my heart in my hands, smiling by myself. It was the greatest feeling ever.