Found this heart attached to the bark of a tree. Fate of course! This was in a new semi secret trail that a volunteer group is cleaning up to become a public park one day, in a ravine behind my apt complex. Over the last year I’ve been dealing with breast fibroadenomas. I’m grateful none are cancerous but it’s still been mentally & physically challenging, with extremely dense tissue I’ve had to have bilateral partial mastectomies & many, many biopsies, all within a years time. These challenges have helped me to see the positivity in the world & all the life I still get to live & enjoy, but sometimes that highlights the resounding negativity out in the world. When I found this heart, I was walking my dog & stuck in my head about that negativity (living in a big apt complex, you tend to get a waft every time you leave the house). I read this heart smiled & left in place, then looked up IFAQH, turned back & took it because it was meant for me, and my heart lifted. I shared the photo with a lot of people already. I found this today, and I walk this path 1-2 times a day, every day. I don’t know if this was placed here within the last 12 hours since I last passed this tree, or if it waited to appear until I needed it the most. Thank you to whoever placed this heart, and thank you to any & all people who place these hearts. Thank you for lifting our spirits, reminding us of the kindness & good in the world. You are amazing people.