Santa Barbara, CA USA

On a cool summer evening I was walking along Shoreline Park in Santa Barbara when something caught my eye. I instinctively reached for the heart and read the inscription. A quick Google search directed me to this website. I was honored to have found the heart, but figured that someone else could use the kindness more than me, so I hooked the heart back on the fence, continued walking, and then drove home. That night I kept thinking about the heart, and I realized that maybe it really was meant for me. I decided to drive back the next morning to see if it was there. Even though it was mid-morning and the park was alive with activity, sure enough, there it was just waiting for me. It was a reminder that there are wonderful people in the world, and that I am worthy of the good things that come my way. I’m a teacher and a mom, and I’m used to putting others’ needs above my own. As I get ready to send my oldest to college in a few days, I realized how much this was just what I needed. Thank you to whoever made this heart for me, your kindness is very appreciated, and I hope you’re taking time to embrace the good things that you deserve as well. And to all of the IFAQH readers, please know that there are people out there who care and that you are worthy of love, compassion, and kindness. 💕