Saint Mary’s, PA USA

Recently, life has thrown some difficult, emotional situations my way. I’m not going into detail but if you know, you know.

I walk into Dubois Center of Excellence building for my client’s outpatient therapy session this morning. As I hit the handicap button to walk in, there laid this Quilted Heart. I went to walk past and thought I better check what that is. Much to my surprise (because NOTHING like this ever happens to me) it was just what I needed in this moment. I Found A Quilted Heart! If you’re unsure what this is about and how it was founded, Click the link below:

I Found A Quilted Heart

It truly brightened my day and how special that I get to give it a home!

“Faith is unseen but felt, faith is strength when we feel we have none, faith is hope when all seems lost.”

-Catherine Pulsifer

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