The Quilted Heart: Lost and Found: It was the summer of 2015, and my family, consisting of Candace my 68yrs mother, Mike my 74yrs stepfather, Dianna my 31yrs wife, Finn my 1yrs son and, me, Matthew 39yrs, decided to take a short day trip from Sacramento to Downtown Sutters Creek to walk around and look at cute little shops, and antique stores. We spent the day pushing my son around. At some point I stepped outside alone to smoke. I know it’s a bad habit and I’m a new Dad and I need to quit, I agree with you. If I hadn’t been outside smoking I probably wouldn’t have noticed the quilted heart hidden in a fence I think. Being an inquisitive person I picked up the interesting cute little hand made heart. I noticed the website address and was excited to find out what it was. Being an artist this really spoke to me. Unfortunately my 1yrs son quickly took an interest in it when I tried to show my wife who gave it to my son while I was trying to explain what it was. She was more interested in me helping her load my son into the car than in listening to me talk about yet another artistic whatever. So I let it go and decided to report it later that night when everyone was asleep. Unfortunately I forgot until the next morning when I frantically searched for it to no avail. To them it was just another of my art things, to me it was a connection to a group of people interested in stopping to smell the roses and shine a little light and beauty into a stranger’s life across space and time. For that I thank you.
Recently while cleaning out some of my son’s old toys to donate to charity, I happened across the heart again. Unfortunately the tag was missing but with a little luck and a couple of well worded google searches I found you again! Now my son is 3yrs and still likes playing with the heart he says it’s for the Tin Man from “The Wizard of OZ”