A week today my daughter (Brooklyn Garcia 10 months) started feeling sick I had a video appt with her pediatrician said it was caused from teething. Saturday I had a really bad feeling something was wrong and she needed to be physically seen. Her father and I took her into the E.R department and found out her heart rate was at a dangerous rate. We were transferred to Roseville Kaiser hospital and admitted to the PICU for Ventricular tachycardia my husband and I have experienced the worst part of parenting and don’t ever want to go threw this again. My daughter had to be intubated for respiratory failure. These amazing Dr’s helped my daughter fight and know she is doing much better. Finding this heart was a vary touching moment for me because I knew her little heart was going to be ok. I have never seen anything like this before in my life. I’m truly touched and grateful. May God bless everyone that is responsible for making these hearts and placing them out there for people that need a smile.