Rhinebeck, NY USA

I was walking to my yoga class in Rhinebeck, NY, June 28, 2024, making my way through the municipal parking lot. I like to cross the stepping stone path that leads to the sidewalk because there are perennial flowers that bloom there. This weekly routine brought a smile to my face when I spotted a little quilted heart hanging from a cluster of daylilies. I walked by it, thinking how nice that someone had left an ornament there. Settling into class, I set my intention for the day—a practice that calms my mind and fuels my heart and soul. After class, as I walked back to my car, I found the heart was still dangling from a flower stem. I took a photo of it and checked the website listed on the small tag that was pinned to the fabric. I was smitten. I claimed the heart as my own and took it home. My heart is fuller with this random act of kindness and creativity.