I went out for a walk near the ocean to meditate, create, open, be grateful, give, recieve. I asked the Universe for a sign last night, something unmistakable…to let me know that I am moving, that my movement is in the right direction that will lead to my mission in life, that I should continue to be guided and push through any and all obstacles in my path to reach the ultimate. I walked under this tree on my way to the water and thought…pretty soon they are going to have to come trim this tree to clear the path for people to walk without tilting their head. There was no sign of this heart in that moment, in my view…The Universe wanted me to be open more to the unexpected…on my way home, I walked the same path, walked past the same tree and tilted my head just the same way. Something caught my eye, my attention, my awareness…not an obstacle, but a gift…I turned as I past and saw this black spot on the tree hanging on a lonely leave just inches below the rest. I almost kept walking and the voice in my awareness turned me around to find “My Heart”. This beautiful black heart with silver stars on it and one single blue star with a note that said…I need a home…you are loved. To the Angel who left that there for me to find, bring home and move forward toward my dreams, aspirations, goals…I am forever grateful for you, for your love, for your kindness & generosity of time to allow someone else to shine and find that their purpose has meaning and is moving in the right direction. I can’t even begin to tell you the significance of the gift you gave me this morning. With all my love, gratitude and inspiration to move forward, thank you from my full heart, Lisa. This was found hanging on the tree on Carnelian Street, Redondo Beach CA, near the Bank of America.