What a SSWEET, SWEET SURPRISE!!!!!! I was pulling My Grandson Ollie (1&1/2 years old) in his Ol’ ‘Radio Flyer’ Wagon on Kin Canyon Trails, in Red Deer yesterday. We had Gone early morning to ‘Beat The Heat’, & were on Our Way Home when we found the Quilted Heart hanging on a Tree Branch as we just were about to go over the Creek, on one of the Wooden Bridges. I was SO SURPRISED!! Reminded me of the ‘TIDAL TREASURES’ that we had searched for when we wintered on Vancouver Island for a Couple of Winters (from November to April, One can scour the Beaches of the Oceanside Region [Parkside]. It was started to benefit Tourism in the area during their Low Season. U can check it out by googling ‘tidaltreasuresvancouverisland’. By the way I NEVER did find a ‘Tidal Treasure’ but my Sister-in-law who was Visiting from Saskatchewan did!!
It was a Glass Float designed by Robert Held, Local Owner of One of The Blown Glass Shops in Parksville, B.C..
Finding ‘A QUILTED HEART’ that Needed a Home was So Uplifting! After more than a year of dealing with the Restrictions from COVID-19 which had ‘ROBBED’ me of my Grandson’s First year of Life; I had been SO DISAPPOINTED!!! I had ONLY been able to see him a Handful of Times ….. & when I did see him, I had to be Masked. My heart had been SO HEAVY!!! Yesterday it was Just SO SWEET that Ollie & I were TOGETHER when we Found ‘THE QUILTED HEART’. I was SO EXCITED!! I came Home & googled www.ifoundaquiltedheart.com…..I read the related info. WHAT an AWESOME WAY to Lift Someone,’ Spirits!!!! THANKYOU!!