Pleasant View, UT USA

So I was working on carts on the south side as I usually do nearing the end of my shift as a cart pusher. We switch out sides every hour or so, so when I headed outside for my next outside shift i saw it right there on the sill. Mind you folks just place things there and we don’t usually take em cus it’s not ours to take usually. So it sat there for another hour or so until finally I took it to look at it. And lo and behold, it was a quilted heart. I didn’t know what “IFAQH”was so when I looked it up and learned what it was for, it really did brighten my day knowing that a stranger went out of their way to put it in a garage of carts JUST for the meaning of brightening their day.

Whoever put it there, you really did brighten my day! Thank you mate, hope yer having a good one reading this