I’m at the new Pacifica Manor Starbucks with my friend and brother doing homework (we’re all back from our colleges for the mini Thanksgiving break) and I got my drink and went over to the little drink station to get a straw. I saw the heart kind of tucked away in the counter near the straws and wasn’t sure what it was. I pulled it out and read the tag and and thought that that was so sweet, what a nice thing to do. So here I am following the instructions on the tag, so happy and joyous for this beautiful act of kindness by a stranger. I am kind of tempted to go hide it somewhere else for another person to find but I might end up keeping it and hanging it up in my dorm room to remind me of the goodness in the world, and then make one myself to go hide somewhere. Thank you to whoever made this heart and thank you to everyone else who has made these. (From IFAQH – Keep it an know that you are loved!)