So my name is Vanessa and my name means butterfly. My dad passed away almost 3 years ago and he used to to buy me any and everything butterfly that he came across: I was thinking about him, missing him the other day. mom and I stopped by the store on Sunday and when we got in the car to leave I looked up and saw the heart. I got out of my car and found the heart and read it. She said it was really cool and wanted it. I was considering giving it to her but then I went to the website listed on it and read the part where it said if I found it I was the one it was meant for. I then actually saw that there were butterflies in the pattern and knew it was for ME! Thank you whoever did this, I will cherish this heart and think of my dad every time I look at it. (By the way I plan on hanging it from my rearview mirror for awhile!)