On a cold and grey February morning (February 20th, actually), as I was heading into work, I caught a brief flash of colour in my periphery. Considering it was winter and everything was blanketed in white, it certainly stood out. I doubled back to see what it was, and hanging from a stake in one of the outdoor planters at the entrance, was a quilted heart (the red one in the photo)
Fast forward to today, and as I’m again returning to work (this time on a much sunnier and slightly warmer day), I spot something in my periphery. Because of who I am as a person, I again doubled back to see what it was and wouldn’t you know it – hanging in the same place I found my first heart was another quilted heart! I’m not sure what the odds are on finding two hearts, much less in the same spot and exactly one month apart, but here we are. For a brief moment I thought about leaving it for someone else to find, since I already had one, but who am I to interfere with the ways of The Universe?
They both hang on the shelf beside my desk to remind me that joy can be found anywhere if you just take a second to stop and really take it all in.