Little River, SC USA

Hi There! I’m so excited and thrilled to find a quilted heart. It has absolutely made my day! My husband, my sister, and I went for a walk in Vereen Memorial Gardens in Little River, SC on this windy day, hoping for some relief from the wind. As we were leaving we noticed someone had left a childs doll on a sign exiting the trail. I went to look at the doll and underneath, attached by a clothespin was a quilted heart! I knew immediately what it was💗 I have been following the Quilted Hearts for a few years and never thought I would find one. Thank you to the kind soul who took the time to create this beautiful heart and pass it on with love. When I find a heart in nature whether it’s a rock or leaf, it makes me think if my father. So finding this heart in the park was a perfect message from him. Thank you!