Was riding the canal trail on my bicycle like I often do in the summer, except today I realized I had caught something strange out of the corner of my eye, probably for the third time in about a mile. I stopped, turned my bike around, walked over and discovered it was a strangely colored object hanging on a low branch from a tree. Closer inspection and it was definitely heart shaped. When I read the writing on it I could not figure out what it was about but decided I could check it out on the computer when I got back home. Anyway, it needed “a home” and that I could probably do. I really hoped it was not some religious nonsense or some kind of elaborate scheme for money and was pleasantly surprised to find it was neither. This turns out to be a very well intentioned and hopeful movement most anyone can get behind, which is refreshing given the state of things at this point in history. For me personally, it symbolizes that there are people everywhere suffering desperate loneliness and that i should always do my best to remember them. Since I found the heart while riding my bicycle I will permanently attach it to my handlebars to show my solidarity with the IFAQH movement. Thanks!