We live on a sailboat for 6 months each year, and spend most of that time anchored off of Key West. I’m an avid bird watcher, and Fort Zachary Taylor Park is one of my favorite spots to go birding. I am getting over a nasty cold, and yesterday (March 5th) I thought a walk over to the park would do me some good. I sat down on a bench to rest, and noticed the quilted heart attached to another nearby bench. Several people stopped to look at it but walked away. I had no idea what it was. Maybe somebody accidentally left it there and would be looking for it? I went over to the bench and saw the “I need a home” tag. I looked up IFAQH, and read about the quilted hearts. What a nice thing to do! I needed some cheering up. I’m a long way from home and miss my family and friends. It’s nice to know that there are people out there trying to spread some joy. The quilted heart that I found now has a home with me! Thank-you, whoever you are out there…