Howick, Auckland, New Zealand

My boyfriend found this heart while he was walking our dog down the nun’s walk. He brought it home to me and said he immediately thought of me when he saw it. He’s always finding little treasures and bringing them home for me (I guess he has a good eye). This is now by far my favourite of everything he’s brought home.
And honestly, this little act of kindness could not have been stumbled upon at a better time. I’ve been supporting my mum through her terminal illness for the past year, and just last week I received some troubling news about my own health. To know that there are people in this world who do things simply to make others smile brings me so much joy and hope. This world is still beautiful despite all the shit it throws at you.
Thank you to the creator of this heart. You don’t understand how much you brightened my day (scratch that – my whole week!). I hope life gifts you happiness and love in abundance.
When I have some free time I’ll absolutely be quilting some hearts myself to spread the love <3