I’ll start at the beginning of my story as to how the heart that I found I believe was meant for me. I was on my way to Hershey hospital with my boss and her mentally challenged son for an appointment at the eye doctors. As we were approaching the hospital I realized that this was the first time I will have been there since my younger brother Trevor passed away there from a car accident at the age of 21. I told my boss this and then I continued to tell her how he donated his organs and the guy that received his heart wrote a letter to our family thanking Trevor for saving his life. He told us about his family and how since receiving his heart his life has gotten back to normal and he was doing great and has a strong heart. He said that every day he will honor Trevor. Of course telling this to my boss it brought tears to my eyes and being there at the hospital was tough. But my boss needed my help with her son so I had to be there and help take him in. As we were walking him into the doors there was a bench outside and sitting on the bench was this piece of material shaped as a heart. I didn’t walk over to it because well we were taking my boss’s son inside and there were two people sitting there so I didn’t know if it was theirs or what exactly it was so I didn’t think anything of it. After being there for a little over an hour we go to walk back outside and I looked at this bench which now there’s nobody sitting at and the heart wasn’t there either. I looked beside the bench and there it was on the ground. I Went over and picked it up and that’s when I saw the tag that said you have found a heart. It was like I was supposed to have that. It seemed unreal finding this heart when I had just told my boss about the guy’s story who received my brother’s heart. Almost felt like my brother was talking to me in a sense. Obviously my family has had a hard time losing him and its hard to imagine life without him but me finding this heart was like a sign that he will always be watching over us until we can all be together again. It meant a lot to me and then I saw the site and I went into it and just read all of the stories of everybody that found these hearts. It seemed like they all were in some way in need of it, that for whatever reason it helped them in whatever they were struggling with or having problems within their life. I think it’s amazing that people do this and I am grateful and I am passing on this gift. I made a heart and I am planning on putting it at my brother’s favorite place for somebody else who is in need and will find it. Took me awhile to write this story but it just seemed fitting today because today is my brother’s birthday. He would of been 23 today. So I’m going to go remember him and his favorite place and put the heart there.