I found this beautiful little heart while walking out of a local restaurant, it was hanging in a tree all alone so it caught my eye. When I realized it was okay to keep, I smiled with joy thinking how blessed my life is. This was a beautiful reminder from a stranger that took the time to make the world a little kinder and softer. I am a nurse and a mom so I am always taking care of people- this heart felt like a big thank you from the world for striving to put out kindness and care every day. Another part of my story is that I am still recovering from a ladder fall injury 18 months ago. I was told that I may not walk at one point due to the severity of foot and ankle damage. I am happy to say I am almost back to my normal self and kept thinking it is a miracle in itself that I was able to walk and find my quilted heart. Thank you to whoever left this beautiful gift! I will treasure it and of course find a way to pay it forward,
Heidi M.