I found this heart on many of my walks along the beach park by The Hangout in Gulf Shores, Alabama. My journey has been continued health and healing after a farming accident nearly took my husbands life! In January if 2020 before covid went rampant my husband was helping our elderly neighbor like he did often. This time he was pinned between farming equipment which crushed his pelvis in many places along with his back and both hips. He fortunately had his phone and was able to call for help. He needed urgent care as the ambulance came and life flight took immediate care of him. He wasn’t expected to make it as this area often bleeds out quickly. We are so blessed to report he is alive and well. He was given a special gift as he visited where we are going. In heaven he was told it wasn’t his time and he fought for years to get back on his feet. He still has 2 canes to assist him as the nerve damage is permanent! He is a fall risk and in fact he fell down and 30 minutes later he crawled to the house! He fights pain everyday and through it all he witnesses to those who will take the time to hear his story of Gods blessings!!! I am so thankful for you lovely persons who took the time to make those hearts and spread love everywhere!!!! This message is that you never give up!!! I am proud to have helped him along this journey! I have the Lords help!! Never, ever lose faith!!!