Glasgow, Scotland

I’m currently visiting my best friend who lives in Glasgow and it’s a very special visit as we haven’t spent this much time together in so long!
We were walking around town, grabbed some coffee and a snack and just enjoyed the lovely sunny day.
On our way back to his house I happened to notice the heart hanging in a bush we passed. I took a picture of it and excitedly pointed it out to my bestie! I decided to leave it there at first and check out the website but almost immediately went back for it!

My mum and nan are very crafty and it made me think of them. They crochet, knit and make all kinds of greeting cards. My nan used to sew skirts for me and my sister when we were little. I’ve been meaning to get into knitting and quilting and I feel like I was meant to find this heart!

Such a wonderful momentum! It’s coming back to Germany with me!