I have recently been looking for a new residence after my landlord advised me she needed me to leave. I have been worrying about a new place for me and my two sons. This is a big day, as I put in an offer on a home today at 4:55. It is a scary time as a single dad, but showing my kids what home means and where they will always have love is worth being scared. I have been anxious about the offer and parked my car at Costco to get a few things for my college son to take back to his temporary home at school after spring break. Lots of stuff with loads of emotion. I parked my car and circled the aisles of Costco. Not really needing to go down every one, but it seemed to help. I left the store and walked back to my car. From the moment I turned the corner I noticed something odd hanging from a branch on a tree I had parked in front of. As I got closer, I could see it was a heart. What could it be? I got to my car and went to the tree. I picked the delicate heart from the tiny branch to examine it. It was beautiful. The card in the back said, “I need a home.” I paused with confusion and coincidence. I opened my door and sat. I paused in the moment. And went to the website. I cried for a bit and it felt good! I felt loved! I felt acknowledged by creation in my most immediate moment. It was 5:25ish, 30 minutes after the house offer went in. Regardless of the outcome of the offer on the house, I am at peace! And I feel loved! Thank you to the angels who take their time to do this! It means more to those who find them than you could possibly know, more than I could possibly write. Thank you! I believe I have received a blessing from God through your service of love! In you, God is well pleased.