I’ve been working hard and getting extra hours in to pay for a recently purchased car. I also throw myself into my work when I’m trying not to think about recent painful events. Yesterday, I somehow was able to stop my work and admire the beauty around me in Georgetown. As I sat and listened to the water and feeling the wind and thinking about my life, I went through a lot of emotions and tried to grieve the losses and change that have happened this year. I havent really done that since everything happened and it felt good. As I was leaving I walked slow and was appreciating the flowers and the butterflies and the trees and I noticed the quilted heart. I googled what it was and I almost collapsed from joy, because it was just what I needed at that moment! Thank you for putting it there. I believe it was meant for me. There were Other people in that parkette, and yet, no one saw it or took it. So again, thank you.