This heart meant more to me than the person who made it could even know and I was so truly blessed to find it. My husband and I found this quilted heart last Wednesday on the CSU campus in Fort Collins, Co. We were on a date and it was not a place we ever really go to but we decided to walk the beautiful tree lined path surrounded by a grassy lawn. At first upon glancing at it I assumed was some sort of ad for quilting and I left it there as cute as it was! But as we were driving away I felt compelled to look it up and as I did the true meaning of it went straight to my heart and I felt a bit silly but asked my husband to please turn the car around! We were a few blocks away and I was anxious to get back to it to make sure it was still there. My husband dropped me off close by the exact tree which he remembered though there were so many lining the path and I raced across the lawn still wet from rain. Thank God it was still there and as I walked back to the car so thankful to have it in my hands that was when the tears truly started to flow. Earlier that morning I had been praying for God to grant me some peace and comfort in processing the recent death of my beloved grandmother. The memorial was that upcoming weekend and I felt like this was a bit trivial to ask when so many people have so many more things they are suffering through, and that I would understand and bear this heavy grief if that comfort didn’t come. But in getting this treasured heart in a place I never ever go to and at just the right time, He reminded me that He is a God who comforts, and who knows us so personally and hears our prayers even if they feel like too much to ask. I now keep this heart close hanging above my grandma’s favorite perfume that I was able to keep as a treasured reminder of her. Also my 6 year old was so inspired by the heart she made her own and hung it from a tree for someone else to find! So thank you with all of my heart to whoever took the time and had it in their heart to make this, for bringing such longed for comfort to my heart that day, and for inspiring my daughter as well. You never know who’s lives will be touched by such a simple but priceless act of kindness, in the shape of a beautiful quilted heart