Davis, CA USA

Nov. 12, 2024: I’ve been an employee at UCD for roughly 12 years. I left my office to take a walk in the sun, get my eyes away from the computer screens. I wandered down to the arboretum and saw something glinting off a tree. I thought perhaps someone placed a holiday ornament on a branch, albeit a bit early and definitely not the norm on campus.

Other people were walking around and I wondered who left the glittering treasure. I went up to the tree and read the tag on the heart. I looked around, feeling as though I was doing something wrong by taking this sweet-looking trinket off the limb. The tag said, “I need a home.” which made me feel a little less guilty. So a home I gave it.

It is hanging on a cork board in my office. I don’t have any serendipitous tale of finding this heart other than, it definitely sparked joy on an otherwise uneventful and normal day.

Thank you quilters, whoever you are.