Walking my pup yesterday in Willow Creek Park, I stumbled across this heart hanging on a bush still awaiting spring to thaw it out and leaf itself. I walk by this place almost daily and the heart hung like a log forgotten holiday ornament. I took a picture but didn’t take the heart – was confused about the message to take it home – felt like stealing somehow. So off it went on with my walk and when I got home, looked again at the picture and searched this website. Finding that this is a worldwide effort captured my heart (pardon the pun). I was satisfied to know that even if the heart was not meant for me, someone else would take it home. Then this morning, on the same basic route I took yesterday – this time with my husband – I told him the story and as we drew closer to the spot I said I had to take a look – certain it would be gone. But there it hung – winking at me in the morning air – saying ‘hey you – yes, I am meant for you! Take me home and post about me!’ So here I am, happy to report this lovely heart has found her home! Thank you to the lovely person who made and hung this heart along my path. And thank you this community for their wonder-ful acts of joy and surprise! 💛