Jun 09

Ebensburg, PA USA

Was going to feed the birds at the ghost town trail An found it at one of the gates. Hanging on the gate! Then we went to the park to

Jun 08

Ligonier, PA USA

Found a Quilted Heart…well, I picked it up on the sidewalk in front of the store next door to the Mexican Restaurant…well, I found it on the ground. Either it

Jun 08

Ligonier, PA USA

I was on a bike ride to my cousins house and a nice lady stopped me and pointed out that she too found a heart. My heart was on a

Jun 08

Ottsville, PA USA

Found this beautiful quilted heart at Kimberton Whole Foods. It was hanging in the bush next to our car when we came out. It was a nice surprise! Thank you

Jun 08

Ligonier, PA USA

While home for my mother’s funeral I found this quilt while wandering around her favorite town, Ligonier PA. It was very heart warmin, I felt like it was hidden there

Jun 08

Ligonier, PA USA

I found this lovely heart at Heritage United Methodist Church in Ligonier! Thank you!

Jun 07

State College, PA USA

I found a quilted heart in the Snider Ag Barn at Penn State University while there competing for Special Olympics. I am an equestrian rider and my horse’s name is

Jun 07

Ligonier, PA USA

I had just left my 3 granddaughters T-ball game and stopped at Giant Eagle to pick up my daughter from work.I decided to buy some flowers and I found my

Jun 07

Palmyra, PA USA

I found a quilted heart on my walk to work. I work as a custodian at the local middle school, and as I was walking by I saw a heart

Jun 07

Ligonier, PA USA

My 3 year old found this one outside of the library children’s exit, and it made her day! It has a teddy bear on one side and a rainbow pattern

Jun 07

Ligonier, PA USA

I found a quilted heart on a bench outside the Ligonier Creamery while meeting up with my coworkers for some ice cream after work!

Jun 07

Ligonier, PA USA

I found mine while on a walk with my dad around the diamond. It was Hanging on a tree near the black bunny.

Ligonier, PA USA

My husband found a heart in a tree in Ligonier, PA while taking our kids for ice cream on the Diamond.

Jun 07

Ligonier, PA USA

Found this beautiful heart on our patio post at the ligonier valley library.

Jun 06

Greensburg, PA USA

Thank you for brightening my day!! I found this quilted heart walking to my car. It was hanging on a bush outside of a parking deck, close to the bus

Jun 06

Ligonier, PA USA

Met A wonderful man named Michael. I kept running into him over the past few months in my home town. He would be sitting on a bench with his backpack

Jun 04

Ligonier, PA USA

I was out with friends and found one! I saw a few more scattered about so I hope some more people found some!

Jun 04

Ebensburg, PA USA

I was walking into the Post Office and it cought my eye. I was having a bit of a bad day and this heart cheered me up.

Jun 04

Palmyra, PA USA

I found a quilted heart on my walk to work today. I work as a custodian at the local middle school, and as I was walking by I saw a

Jun 03

Chambersburg, PA USA

Found in a flower pot about a month ago.. got a little smile when I found it!

Jun 02

Chambersburg, PA USA

We were at a celebration/farewell party for a couple at our church. They are moving to Mirconesia for ministry opportunities. My daughter ran up to me and said, “Look at

Jun 02

Sideling Hill Rest Area, PA USA

Was driving back home with my son from Cumberland MD my son was sitting under the heart and i saw him with a mad face and said look you found

Jun 02

Ligoneir, PA USA

Went to the ligoneir county market – while walking out I saw this pretty heart sitting on the guard rail

Jun 02

Sligo, PA USA

my boyfriend came across this heart while visiting a friend in the nursing home. Cats are my favorite and I was having a bad day so he brought it home

May 30

Ebensburg, PA USA

I was just having a bad day, everything seemed to go wrong. Then I had to get gas, so I stopped at the local Sheetz. While pumping my gas, I

May 28

Blue Bell, PA USA

I found a quilted heart a few days after Valentine’s Day while walking my dogs in a nearby park. At first I thought it was rubbish but as I got

May 27

Ebensburg, PA USA

My 4 year old and I were looking at the hydrangeas at Walmart and saw our quilted heart on one of the stems. It was such a sweet little surprise

May 22

New Wilmington, PA USA

May 8 Found this beautiful heart hanging in a tree at my doctors office. Located in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania.

May 19

Pittsburgh, PA USA

We came this weekend for a hockey tournament and it just also so happened that it was the same weekend my mom came out of recovering from liver cancer surgery.

May 18

Shrewsbury, PA USA

I took my two daughters to the library and found this tied to a tree when we were leaving. I’m struggling now with trying to have our 3rd child. I

May 18

Johnstown, PA USA

I found my quilted heart at Schrader’s florist / Schrader’s Fabics by Barb . At first I thought it was one of the lady’s quilting lost there project . Then

May 17

Altoona, PA USA

I found this quilted heart while waiting for my husband to get out of surgery ♥️

May 16

North Wales, PA USA

On a tree outside a diner. On a rainy day. With my friend – who is a quilter. I have been in some “extra” pain lately (severe arthritis) and kinda

May 16

Selinsgrove, PA USA

Found in a bush at a local grocery store near Susquehanna University four days before graduation! Class of 2024!

May 16

Altoona, PA USA

My name’s Denise and this is my story of how IFAQH. Today is Wednesday May 15th 2024 and exactly 2 months today that the lord called my mom to go

May 14

Waynesboro, PA USA

I noticed an object in a shrub when i got out if my car at Paul’s market . It looked out of place so i just had to see what

May 13

Altoona, PA USA

Found this heart outside of Weis. What a happy surprise! My mom makes beautiful quilted hearts too and I place them. How amazing to find one myself.