Sep 28

Mechanicsburg, PA USA

I went for a walk this morning, mentally being drawn to this specific walking path. I have had two deaths of family/friends last week. My work is in turmoil with

Sep 28

Danville, PA USA

I was honestly quite confused when i found this. I had a bad day, and was walking to the store. found it hanging on a fence. it. certainly made my

Sep 27

Albion, PA USA

We found this heart while walking our dog at the Albion park as we do multiple times per week. We love these little games like this and the painted rock

Sep 25

Mechanicsburg, PA USA

So today as I was walking up to get my son off the bus I saw this heart and I thought a kid hung it then found out it was

Sep 21

Erie, PA USA

I found my fall themed heart on Sept. 20, 2023. I was walking into Longhorn Steakhouse restaurant. It was hanging on the metal horn of the bench out front. I

Sep 20

Mechanicsburg, PA USA

Found this beautiful heart hanging on the bush on our evening walk with the family dog Barney. It was a lovely surprise ! ❤️❤️❤️

Sep 20

York, PA USA

Something blue was hanging from a bush on our Court…what a sweet surprise❤️

Sep 13

Mechanicsburg, PA USA

I found this heart on my way from school today. I came across it walking home from school it was hanging from a tree branch. I think it’s adorable and

Sep 10

Coudersport, PA USA

What a sweet surprise to find this cute little quilted heart nestled in a pot of flowers on Main St.! Now I made 10 to hide and hopefully make someone

Aug 31

McMurray, PA USA

I found this adorable quilted heart while walking one of my dogs on the trail near my home. My dog is a better sniffer than walker which made me stop

Aug 31

Harrison City, PA USA

I found my heart at the park taking a walk on a beautiful day. I needed a pick me up and this heart will be treasured! Thank you!♥️

Aug 31

Venetia, PA USA

I found this one walking on the Montour Trail with my dog. At first I thought it was a dog rescue ad. Anyway, it was fun to see it!

Aug 29

Mount Holly Springs, PA USA

My 5 year old son found his first quilted heart today on the way to the Mount Holly Springs Elementary school by the baseball field. My 7 year old daughter

Aug 29

Girard, PA USA

I found this beautiful heart at Get Go while pumping gas. This really brightened my day and me happy!

Aug 27

Boiling Springs, PA USA

I was at the creek today with my husband and our 17 month old son! We live in Carlisle, but we’re in boiling Springs when we found it. After eons

Aug 27

Johnstown, PA USA

My fiancé and I were walking our dog to a local art festival. As he was cleaning up doggy doo doo, I noticed a cute little heart hanging from a

Aug 26

Edensburg, PA USA

I was at work (Seasonal Department in Walmart) and went out to show my coworker how to use the water hose. There the heart was just hanging on our water

Aug 25

Lancaster County, PA USA

Was shopping at The Old Country Store and when I left and returned to the parking lot I spotted the Quilted Heart hanging in the hedge. I showed my friends

Aug 25

Johnstown, PA USA

So happy found my heart johnstown pa. Berkley hills Medical bldg where I go through to walk. So awesome. Thank you

Aug 24

Carlisle, PA USA

While walking at our favorite park, we found a beautiful heart on a tree we have walked past hundreds of times before. Something drew me to it and I knew

Aug 23

Buregettstown, PA USA

I found this quilted heart hanging from a tree on the Panhandle Trail around Burgettstown, PA. My girlfriend and I were embarking on our first 50 mile long bike ride.

Aug 23

Harrisburg, PA USA

I found this heart while doing a property inspection at one of my commercial buildings. It was hidden in a bush! It brought so much joy to my heart and

Aug 22

Christiana, PA USA

My husband and I were disc golfing at Kerr park and we came up to grab our discs out of hole 13 and there it was tied inside. It’s funny

Aug 21

Waynesburg, PA USA

Took my Granddaughter to the park by Bowlby Library and found a very cute storyline. We followed the path listening to the written instructions and found this little heart needing

Aug 21

Waynesburg, PA USA

I found the beautiful quilted heart along the StoryStroll in the park.

Aug 18

Hummelstown, PA USA

I found my heart hanging outside my dentists office as I was walking in. I glanced at it smiled and took another step before turning around and carefully removing it

Aug 18

Erie, PA USA

I stopped at Buffalo Wild Wings in Erie on August 3rd 2023 as my immediate family normally does on our way to Ohio to visit family. I normally walk my

Aug 17

Mill Run, PA USA

I was on a weekend camping trip with my family and as we were riding around on a golf cart I saw it hanging in a tree. We turned around

Aug 16

Mount Holly Springs, PA USA

I found this heart while paying my utility bill at our boroughs office. I saw it on the table outside of the office on my way out. It made my

Aug 14

Enola, PA USA

I found my heart at the post office today while I was out collecting mail….brought me a smile

Aug 12

Lewisburg, PA USA

I found this beautiful heart at the perfect time. I just moved here from a town from a county I had lived my entire life, and at times it’s tough.

Aug 11

Jim Thorpe, PA USA

I move into college next week, and so my boyfriend insisted we go on one last roadtrip up to Jim Thorpe. We had a beautiful day together: we went on

Aug 10

Allison Park, PA USA

Went to North Park on August 5, 2023 for a family reunion. We were at Miller Grove by the dog park. I saw the heart hanging on a pole and

Aug 08


I was walking out to my works mailbox and saw it on the ground in-front of the doors