Dec 16

Palmyra, PA USA

I found my beautiful quilted heart outside the UPS store. I thought someone lost an ornament off their package. I picked it up to place on the windowsill in case

Dec 15

West Chester, PA USA

I found a quilted heart as I was walking into my Orthopedic appt. It was laying in a flower bed . It made me Smile I am disabled and applying

Dec 13

Johnstown, PA USA

Found at a small post office in Johnstown, PA. A few people walked by but no one seemed to notice the small heart blowing in the wind, attached to the

Dec 13

Punxsutawney, PA USA

I found the heart on a thorny shrub at the entrance to the Punxsutawney Hospital while going into the hospital with my son when he was having a procedure done.

Dec 10

Edwardsville, PA USA

Went to the grocery store to get food for my foster kitties and found this amazing heart. It brought back the reminder of what Christmas is. Thank you!

Dec 08

East Earl, PA USA

Yesterday, on December 6th, 2023 I had just met friends for breakfast near Lancaster, PA at Shady Maple Smorgasbord to celebrate my 53rd birthday, when on our way to our

Dec 08

Nanty Glo, PA USA

I found this beautiful little quilted heart on a walk with my husband on the Ghost Town Trail. It was so unexpected to see a sweet little heart hanging around

Dec 05

Erie, PA USA

Hi all.. I found a quilted heart hanging on the door of my car electronics installation Bay in a Best buy store in Erie Pennsylvania around the year 2020. I

Dec 02

Pittsburgh, PA USA

I saw something hanging on a tree branch on Penn. Avenue, and it was this beautiful heart. It made my day to know that people are spreading love just to

Nov 30

Erie, PA USA

While leaving dinner I had spotted a lady putting something in a bush,I told my daughter to go look and to our surprise it was this amazing quilted heart,it was

Nov 30

Waynesboro, PA USA

Was walking my dogs near Camp Penn and found this. It’s going on my Christmas tree!

Nov 28

Lititz, PA USA

I found my quilted heart at a restaurant in Lititz, PA. I had only been home from a deployment for a few months! It was a beautiful gesture! Faith in

Nov 28

Callery, PA USA

Thank you! Such a beautiful and unexpected gift on this Monday morning! Found in the paper box at Callery PA post office. Thank you for sharing your talent and kindness

Nov 26

Waynesboro, PA USA

I found my heart as I was going into get dinner at the local Applebee’s. It put a smile on my face after a pretty busy and stressful week.I love

Nov 23

Mechanicsburg, PA USA

Caught the corner of my eye at the Target on the Carlisle Pike, it will go on our Christmas tree

Nov 20

Mechanicsburg, PA USA

I was on my way to the pharmacy to pick up my meds up and just as I came from in between the houses this heart was hanging on a

Nov 20

Butler, PA USA

I found this in the building that I work at. I am a nurse and have been feeling down lately. I love being a nurse but, sometimes things just get

Nov 18

Butler, PA USA

I was walking into the veterinary with my pup and saw this heart hanging on a bush. I looked at it and almost did not take it because I’m always

Nov 18

Greensburg, PA USA

I was walking home after a particularly long and rough shift at work. It was cold and I was standing at a light waiting for a crosswalk. I look down

Nov 17

Waynesboro, PA USA

I found this beautiful heart at our towns Tree lighting ceremony! This was the second ❤️ I found this evening! They both symbolize the start of holiday season.

Nov 17

Waynesboro, PA USA

I found this adorable heart at Waynesboro’s Annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. I LOVE Christmas and was so happy to find this in a bush along our walk to the

Nov 15

New Holland, PA USA

During our visit to Garden Spot Village in PA to see our grandparents, something truly magical happened. As we made our way to the fish tank, one of our favorite

Nov 14

East Earl, PA USA

Found this quilted heart while shopping with my toddler. We are both super excited to find this heart and are making some of our own. Quilting is my passion and

Nov 12

Waynesboro, PA USA

November 12, 2023 On October 28,2023 we had to say goodbye to our little dog Tinker….She was diagnosed with an Aggressive throat cancer on July 20,2023….The Vet only gave us

Nov 08

Pittsburgh, PA USA

On my dogs and I afternoon stroll, we stumbled upon a heart delicately suspended from a tree branch. Our first thought was that it might be a touching memorial, so

Nov 07

Conestoga, PA USA

Today my sister and I were hiking at Enola Low Grade hiking trail and we found this in a bench. My sister and I haven’t seen each other in over

Nov 07

Muhlenberg, PA USA

I was taking my daily walk and thinking how blessed I am and what a beautiful day it was and I actually walked passed it at first then did an

Nov 06

Intercourse, PA USA

A favorite shopping stop for quilting fabrics and Amish handmades, my daughter continued her joyous search for materials needed to start some new projects, I needed a break and decided

Nov 05

Erie, PA USA

We found this in a store parking lot hanging in a tree. The neighbor’s little black cat & her brother used to visit us a lot. The neighbor just moved

Nov 05

Mill Run, PA USA

Walking a path nearby, 6 yr old found this heart and was so excited!

Nov 04

Lititz, PA USA

My husband and I were in Lititz to tour the Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery. It was an early birthday celebration for my new husband. Something in a bush near the

Nov 04

Chippewa, PA USA

I found a lovely quilted heart. It made my day! It is even my favorite colors, purple and green.

Nov 04

Greensburg, PA USA

I found this beautiful heart hanging on the door at Bob Evans in Greensburg. I live in Texas and was visiting family in the area so now this heart is

Nov 04

Ebensburg, PA USA

I found this heart at the trailhead of a local biking trail while waiting for my friends to arrive for a bike ride. I saw it lying in the grass

Nov 03

Cranberry, PA USA

I found my heartat Cracker Barrel in PA hanging in landscaping. I’m a former Pgh gal now living in Browns territory.This couldn’t have found a better home

Nov 01

Boyers, PA USA

I found the quilted heart at work hanging on a little hook. It caught my eye and when I read it needed a home it brought a smile to my