May 09

Yosemite, CA USA

Hi there, After a long hike up to Yosemite Falls , I was felt like exploring after enjoying an adult beverage the The Yosemite Majestic Hotel ( formerly known as

May 06

Davis, CA USA

I was walking back to my dorm after a long day of classes ready to jump on my bed. As I was walking and thinking about all the homework and

May 05

Albuquerque, NM USA

Rick suffered his aortic dissection on the night of Feb. 17th. I didn’t sleep at all that night – instead, I drove a dark road to ABQ all by myself.

Apr 16

Halifax, NS Canada

I found my heart in Halifax, Nova Scotia,/Canada. I came into work with it hanging on one of the pegs . This is going to be a tough story to

Chandler, AZ USA

Funny thing this. I was putting in gas having an alright day. Not bad not special. Alright. I was waiting for my car to fill up so I started just

Mar 30

Anaheim, CA USA

My friends and I drove 8 hours to get to Anaheim. It was a tough journey as our first car broke down over an hour in and we had to

Mar 15

UC Davis Arboretum, Davis, CA USA

I take a walk before work around the arboretum three days a week, weather permitting. This mornings walk was made extra special by the pretty bright yellow quilted heart hanging

Mar 15

Texarkana, AR USA

What a wonderful surprise for me today as I was taking a picture of my granddaughter’s paper doll Stella at our Downtown Post Office on the State Line of Texas

Mar 13

Hoboken, NJ USA

Hi there! I found this tiny cutie in Hoboken in early October 2017. I was spending my honeymoon with my hubbie in New York City, but on that day in

Mar 10

San Mateo, CA USA

Back from running around, headed to our parked car and there, hanging on some climbing ivy was this bright colored heart that caught my eye! Made my day. Thanks. Thanks

Mar 10

Las Cruces, NM USA

I found it hanging out in a tree next to the financial aid building in New Mexico State University. It caught my eye when I was passing through and it

Mar 09

Las Vegas, NV USA

My husband found his on one of his walks. We live in Las Vegas, NV . He started walking daily when we discovered he had prostate cancer. Maybe that was

Mar 05

Las Cruces, NM USA

I found this quilted heart after a very long stressful week hanging in a tree while walking my dog (Las Cruces, NM). I had turned my head and walked right

Mar 02

Tempe, AZ USA

My family & I were at the amusement center Tempe Arizona on are way to play at the Scape zone while going down a set of stairs this beautiful heart

Jan 13

Rio Vista, CA USA

For a weekend getaway near home; my girl and I were staying at the Ryde Hotel and drove to my favorite town of Rio Vista to walk by the water.

Nov 25

San Francisco, CA USA

A little girl that I mentor found a heart at the corner of Taylor and California Street. What’s really neat about this is that the first time I met her

Oct 22

Dulles, VA USA

Found – Washington Dulles airport. Now in its final location of Kempston, England on our kickknack printing tray memory wall. My husband found this on the floor near to a

Sep 04

Horicon, WI USA

Was walking in a park, needed some time alone. I was very depressed and was thinking of my options in life. As I walked along the river bank, I saw

Jun 20

Delight, AR USA

I found this heart in Delight, Ar on June 15th after having what seemed to be one of the worst days of my life I caught a quick glimpse of

Jun 19

Vallecito, CA USA

My husband and I went to Natural Bridges for the day to enjoy the sun and amazing swimming area.We swam for a while and I started a conversation with another

Apr 03

Moab, UT USA

Your heart touched my heart – My wife of over 50 years died on November 7th last year. Needless to say, I’ve had many struggles over the last 5 months

Apr 02

Davis, CA USA

Dear Quilted-Heart Maker, Over the past two-weeks life on life’s terms has been tough for me. I wandered with caution, often wondering how long it would take for feelings of

Dec 30

Jenner, CA USA

found this beautiful heart off of CA 1 in Jenner at the Vista Trail. It reminds me of felt heart ornaments that my Mom would make as Christmas ornaments. One

Dubuque, IA USA

I found my heart on a snowy day while getting my oil changed. It really brightened my day. My grandmother passed a few years ago from cancer that had spread

Dec 23

Sutter Creek, CA USA

The Quilted Heart: Lost and Found:  It was the summer of 2015, and my family, consisting of Candace my 68yrs mother, Mike my 74yrs stepfather, Dianna my 31yrs wife, Finn

Nov 18

Halifax, NS Canada

I found this “security threat” while cleaning the Viola Desmond Ferry from the Halifax Transit Ferry Division in Halifax Nova Scotia,Canada. Its creator has made a few people smile as

Nov 13

Escondido, CA USA

I recently have been under some level of stress which caused me to have my first ever panic attack. Two days later I had another at work. I ended up

Oct 09

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Today I found this heart at a view point at Niagara Falls, we traveled from the uk last Saturday to put our 25 year old sons ashes over the falls

Oct 06

State College, PA USA

It was the Monday after probably one of the most stressful weeks of my life. I am a student at Penn State University and had 4 exams the previous week,

Oct 06

Chilliwack, BC Canada

Found this Beautiful Quilted Heart on our Daily walk @ Peach Creek Rotary Trail in Chilliwack British Columbia.. – Our Day started out as Remembering my Husbands Step Dad who

Oct 06

Lancaster, PA USA

Earlier today, while sitting on a garden wall in front of the Lancaster City Visitor Center, I noticed what I thought was a baby’s ‘blankie’ of some kind lying on

Aug 05

Fort Collins, CO USA

This heart meant more to me than the person who made it could even know and I was so truly blessed to find it. My husband and I found this

Aug 01

Carlsbad, CA USA

Tough day that day. Worked 6 hour shift on 2 hours of sleep. 75 Cents in my pocket. Didnt eat all day. Friend was gonna give me a ride home

Feb 26

Folsom, CA USA

Today I was having a difficult moment with my daughter and needed to walk outside and take a deep breath and stand in the sun outside of a ceramic store

Jan 08

Carlsbad, CA USA

When we lost our beautiful sister, Laurie four years ago, my sister Debra climbed to the top of a small mountain in Carlsbad, Ca. And started a beautiful garden in

Dec 15

Accra, Ghana, Africa

Dank You for this special way of show Love ..i find this Heard on the Morning after the Ghanaian Election Results for the exelent choice to have Nana AKUFUO -ADDO

Oct 17

Hartford, VT USA

Twice I walked past this heart coming and going into the White River Junction VA Medical Center, I noticed it but just thought it was a tag identifying the shrub

Jun 28

Rochester, NY USA

What a delightful surprise to have found a quilted heart at the George Eastman Museum in Rochester, New York! Whoever is my sweet angel that made and left this quilted

Feb 07


Heartfelt Wishes – I was feeling particularly blue today. It is cold and damp outside and the weather matched my sadness. My sweet niece died on Friday and her death

Jan 30

Cuenca, Ecuador

Hi))) I found the quilted heart in my work Cuenca – Ecuador (South América) / in the bathroom mirror, I’m a Spanish teacher and in my workplace there are always