Tough day that day. Worked 6 hour shift on 2 hours of sleep. 75 Cents in my pocket. Didnt eat all day. Friend was gonna give me a ride home and his car wouldnt start. Boy i was pretty pissed
?. I told myself, sit down and remain calm. When i went to sit down on the curb i slipped from a puddle of oil or something slimy. And gracefully fell onto this bush. Low and below, deep inside this bush, #ifoundaquiltedheart. A tear drops from my eye. been 3 or 4 days now. Still have in my pocket. My lil reminder. im loved. Need more of that in the world… Love. Great idea. Glad i found one. It was like winning the lottery. Found this gem at Costco, Palomar Airport Rd, Carlsbad, Ca. You made my day. And changed my life. Everything happens for a reason. YOU!! Are LOVED . Outta this world,Thank you.