I had just purchased tickets for a murder mystery show at the chamber of commerce here in Boulder City, and proceeded around the corner to go back to work at the Boulder Dam Hotel. However, I’ve been missing my Mother, who is gone, and wanted to go to the Western Mexican Center too. That store reminds me so much of her that I had been staying away from it on purpose because it would make me sad. Something told me to get over it and go there anyways and at least say hello to the friendly people that work there. I was almost there and looked down and saw what I thought was trash on the sidewalk. I looked closer and saw it was a heart shape but it was button side down and I thought maybe it was dirty. Then again that little voice said, ” Pick it up. It is shaped like a heart after all.” So there it was I found a quilted heart here in Boulder City, Nevada April 9, 2019. Thank you to whomever made my day sew great! I’ll try to brighten someone’s day in return.