Berkeley Springs, WV USA
We are 3 college friends in our 60s. We were walking into the Water Festival in Berkeley Springs, and found this lovely heart! Thank you!
We are 3 college friends in our 60s. We were walking into the Water Festival in Berkeley Springs, and found this lovely heart! Thank you!
Hiking at SARA Park on the blue trail. Where I found it wasn’t this close to the water but it made for a better picture.
I found this sweet little heart right outside my apartment complex. I love the textures, the colors and the buttons! I’ll be adding it to my shelf of art 🫶
I came in the a Cleveland Clinic Express Care with a nasty cold. I checked in and went to sit in the waiting area and found this! Definitely brightened my
I had just finished shopping at a local Walmart with one of my best friends, and I saw something hanging on a light pole in the parking lot. My mom
My son (9) was waking by and saw something hanging in the bushes. For a second, he thought it was a piece of trash, but he still untangled it and
Found at my daughter’s school when dropping her off for a basketball program. It was hanging from a tree directly in front of where I parked. I knew immediately what
As I was walking in the rain, to our soon to be closed Joanne Fabrics, I noticed this poor little heart lying in a puddle on the ground. I brought
Found Table rec center, during 2/18 election voting cubicle, (Carthage college)
I went to dinner with my family and wakes out to see a heart on the plant outside. I’ve been wondering if I’d ever find one myself and was so
We are enjoying a family night out at The Corral At White Tank Ranch. Our kids found two quilted hearts when playing the yard games! They are very excited (ages
On vacation with my family, walking the trails at the Riparian Preserve and was so excited to find a heart “in the wild”. I’ve seen them online but never thought
I was birding at Sweetwater with my ornithology class and found this right when we started!
Found this heart in the Misericordia Hospital, where I was staying due to pregnancy complications ❤️ after I found this heart they had answers
My name is Christopher. I live in a small town called Westbrook. I have lived here for 35yrs and found this beautiful heart in a bush, hanging from a branch.
We just moved into a new house abutting a nature reserve with extensive hiking trails and a playground about a mile’s worth of hiking away from our front door. My
Walking around at work and found this hanging inside the elevator. It made me smile and think of a dear friend that just passed. It actually matches my water cup
I’m from California, but visiting Arizona with my ‘quilting sister’ to attend QuiltCon hosted by the Modern Quilt Guild. I’ve known about the kind gesture of leaving small quilted hearts
Having lunch with some wonderful friends I don’t get to see enough and found on a tree while leaving . What an amazing find and awesome idea. Made my day
My boyfriend and I were walking his dog when we stopped and found a heart! So cute, I had to grab!
I found this heart while playing on the beach with my family. Thank you to whoever put it there, It’s super cute!
I work in the hospital and stepped out to decompress from in the morning and upon my way back to the clinic, I took the elevator and stumbled upon this
It was a pleasant surprise to find a quilted heart on a cold Friday morning at work. Thank you to who ever left it
Found it hanging on de doorknob at the library where I work.
I’ve found 5 of these hearts in my area so far. I get excited to find one just to see what material pattern has been used. This is my favourite
What a delight to find my quilted heart! I was walking along the path in the yacht harbor, as I do most days. I had just finished a podcast about
Yesterday late afternoon I went out to take a walk and they’re hanging on my tree was a heart. I took it down and gave it home. It was and
I went to the grocery store, and when I went to grab a carriage I saw it there. I didn’t want to take it until I read what was on
I’m a Junior in high school who had just gotten done with math tutoring at school and my grandma wanted to go to Costco to pick up some water then
I found this heart in my local woollies and it put a smile on my face I have never seen this before and I think it’s such a good idea
I found this beautiful heart outside my condo. Hanging in a branch. Very sweet. Was perplexed til I read the website.
My husband and I had went to dinner for my birthday at Pasquinis Restaurant. As we were leaving I notice this beautiful little heart hanging on the bush. I told
Went for walk today on Valentine’s Day. Missing my husband who passed away 4 years and 7 days ago.Today was our wedding anniversary. Definitely a pleasant surprise….
Enjoyed a wonderful day at QuiltCon. Waiting for the last lecture but feeling very tired as I walked alone to keep myself busy. I found this gorgeous little quilt on
I was going through my mums things and found a heart. I believe she might have found it at the hospital or cancer clinic. Now this heart lives in Canada
Found this one outside my local library! I love halloween & orange & purple so this really made my day! It’s soooo cute! I’m gonna love it forever! Thank you
Hola lo encontré en la playa en nuevo vallarta, esta hermoso me encantó este detalle , en un inicio pensé que lo habían olvidado pero al entrar a su enlace
I found this beautiful quilted heart on the trollies at tesco. Thank you it made my day and was definitely needed after an emotional therapy session this morning.