
Apr 16

I can’t believe I’m now the lucky owner of this Beautiful quilted heart!! I found it at the perfect time! I was leaving the hospital after a really long day.

Huntington Beach, CA USA

Apr 16

I was headed out of our local Trader Joe’s here in Huntington Harbour and saw this beautiful quilted heart hanging from a trellis. With its vibrant eye catching color I

San Francisco, CA USA

Apr 16

My husband and I are celebrating our anniversary in the Bay Area and had just finished a wonderful dinner when my younger son noticed a heart hanging on a tree.

Liverpool, England UK

Apr 16

I was delighted to notice this heart hanging on a bush in the car park of Lady Green garden centre.

Davis, CA USA

Apr 16

After gym, I was just gonna enter my apartment, outside of which this sweet heart captured my eyes, thank you so much for lightening my day! Best wishes to this

Davis, CA USA

Apr 16

Found it on the University campus on my way home. It was hanging around the pillar in the morning, like a burst of joy brightening up the day. Kind of

San Antonio, TX USA

Apr 15

I was walking on to the UTSA campus and as I passed a bottlebrush shrub I saw the quilted heart hanging from it. It was a picture of a little

Vacaville, CA USA

Apr 15

My grandma Bev found this on a shrub outside of Lowe’s in Vacaville. She wanted to me post about it for her then she gave it to me.

Pleasanton, CA USA

Apr 15

Found this heart outside the Starbucks in downtown Pleasanton 🙂

Washington DC, USA

Apr 15

I found this darling little heart at the Lincoln Memorial. Thank you for making my day.

Springfield, MO USA

Apr 15

This heart was found by me and my fiancé as we toured the Wonders of Wildlife Museum in Springfield, MO. Such a great place to visit, and this heart brightened

Davis, CA USA

Apr 15

Discovered in Davis Ca by Crepeville — what cool details!

Davis, CA USA

Apr 15

Found on a walk with my daughter on national unicorn day in Davis, Ca. — it was both of our favorite colors!

Davis, CA USA

Apr 15

Davis CA, this heart was face down on the cement! We rescued it!

Davis, CA USA

Apr 15

found while walking at picnic day!

Kalamazoo, MI USA

Apr 15

I work in Kalamazoo Michigan. I work at a hospice facility. After returning from a very emotional time off, I found this heart. It came at the perfect time!

Groveland, CA USA

Apr 15

I found the heart on a bench overlooking a stream on the Big Creek hiking trail. This is in Pine Mountain Lake, Groveland, CA. I was so excited to find

Seattle, WA USA

Apr 15

I found the heart in the pocket of my airplane seat on my way to Seattle

Lone Pine, CA USA

Apr 14

Found at the McDonald’s in Lone Pine. I was so happy to find it! I was surprised and pleased that someone would go to that much trouble for a stranger.

Moab, UT USA

Apr 14

Found this beauty on the Poison Spider trail while jeeping today❤️

Davis, CA USA

Apr 14

It was a warm sunny spring afternoon. I was on my way to see the apartment that I was intended to rent. That was two cute, partially enclosed wooden buildings

Boulder City, NV USA

Apr 14

I had just purchased tickets for a murder mystery show at the chamber of commerce here in Boulder City, and proceeded around the corner to go back to work at

Davis, CA USA

Apr 12

I found it in a bush along the sidewalk, I was walking with friends to get lunch. It made my day extra nice! Thank you!

Davis, CA USA

Apr 12

I was struggling with coursework for my Geology class, so I took a walk by the Arboretum on campus to clear my head. After enjoying the springtime trees and flowers,

Kalamazoo, MI USA

Apr 12

Thank you for leaving the beautiful quilted heart! It was so kind of you to brighten our day like that!

Moraga, CA USA

Apr 12

Just walked out of my genetics class after having an incredibly hard quiz and saw this heart on a bush outside, made my day so much better!  

Davis, CA USA

Apr 12

I found this while walking through the school of education building at UC Davis. I noticed it on a bush and I almost walked past it but I was curious


Apr 12

I’m the owner of the little restaurant that this was left at. I was on my way to pick some things up when I spotted it hanging off one of

Davis, CA USA

Apr 12

I was on my way to class in the morning after parking my bike and I saw something hanging from a bush next to the hall I was about to

Irving, TX USA

Apr 12

I fond a cute Christmas decoration while walking to school!  

Davis, CA USA

Apr 12

I found a quilted heart while on a walk with my mom!

Davis, CA USA

Apr 12

We drove from Ashland Oregon to Sacramento CA for a pink concert, on the way home we made a detour to Panera bread for some lunch and on the way

Milwaukee, WI USA

Apr 12

This was found near the elevator at froedert hospital.

Maui, HI USA

Apr 12

I was on a 7 day Hawaii cruise when I found this quilted heart when entering the cruise terminal to go on a bus tour of Maui. There was a

Davis, CA USA

Apr 12

My dad Found this heart after treating us to a nice treat dinner at Zen Toro. He hid it in our house for my four-year-old to find the next morning


Apr 12

My pup always finds good stuff but this time he hit the jackpot.

Austin, TX USA

Apr 12

I found my quilted heart on 10th street in Austin Texas , in the Tarrytown neighborhood, while walking one of my clients dogs 🐶 super cute and instantly put a

Formby Beach, Liverpool, England UK

Apr 12

Me and my friend Charlotte found this heart hanging on a branch in the pinewoods whilst walking her dog Lennon! Charlotte had collected some shells on the walk and so