Blaine, WA USA

Jun 25

My daughter, Grace, found the heart while we visited Peace Arch State Park. We are on our family vacation and have three kids. It was perfect for Grace to find

Leavenworth, WA USA

Jun 23

We were up on a camping trip in Leavenworth, WA. We (husband, daughter, mom, dad, and I) came into downtown for lunch since it wasn’t tourist season and we could

Seattle, WA USA

Jun 21

Visiting Seattle, WA for the first time. First stop, Space Needle! Today is the summer solstice so I feel like it’s a special day anyway. Solo traveling gives me great

Banff, AB Canada

Jun 20

It was our last day in the Canadian Rockies and as we headed to the car park across from the Nourish Cafe I spotted this beautiful heart hanging in a

Bridal Falls, BC Canada

Jun 18

I found my heart at the base of Bridal Falls in between Chilliwack and Hope. Thought I saw a heart shaped stone hanging from The trees as one side was

Grande Cache, AB Canada

Jun 17

My first day back to work on the rig in a month and a half, and after a 13 hour day i was driving back to Grande Cache AB. I

Banff, AB Canada

Jun 16

My family is in Canada for my dad’s community band concert in Heritage Park. After the concert the band decided to sight-see in Banff and Jasper. This morning, my family

Columbia Lake, BC Canada

Jun 16

To my dismay and delight, I saw this lovely little heart hanging in a tree just outside the bathroom at the Columbia Lake lookout and picnic area. Intrigued I had

Blue River, BC Canada

Jun 15

As I was returning from paddleboarding I saw what looked like a flower or bird in the tree next to the spawning channel. I saw the caption “I need a

Jasper, AB Canada

Jun 15

Friends Enn and Marty had just finished a wonderful canoe around famous Pyramid Lake in Jasper Alberta. Afterwards, while walking around the town of Jasper, Enn spotted a sweet little

Canyonlands, UT USA

May 24

Found this heart during on 5/21/2019 while on a camping/off-roading adventure. We got to the New Wilson Bates campsite after covering some ruff terrain and even breaking down and quickly

Anaheim, CA USA

May 18

I found the heart when I was waiting for my ride after I got off of work one day. I was standing in front of the captain Kidd’s buffet and

El Paso, TX USA

May 18

I was walking around my school campus when I saw a cute quilted heart on the floor ahead of me. I grabbed it and looked around to see if anyone

Pahoa, HI USA

May 14

I found the beautiful Hawaiian heart as I left my mom in Pahoa, Hi at the Mauna Kei Rest stop, Big Island of Hawaii. She has the beginning stages of

Saint Helena, CA USA

May 09

Found in Saint Helena Aug 30 2018. Was having a bad day at work and this really cheered me up! Thank you!

Yosemite, CA USA

May 09

Hi there, After a long hike up to Yosemite Falls , I was felt like exploring after enjoying an adult beverage the The Yosemite Majestic Hotel ( formerly known as

Davis, CA USA

May 06

I was walking back to my dorm after a long day of classes ready to jump on my bed. As I was walking and thinking about all the homework and

Durham, NC USA

Apr 30

Today we were going for our last appointment at our daughter’s pediatrician, as we are moving from Durham, NC to New Hampshire. It’s been a tough week, as we are

Spokane, WA USA

Apr 30

Found an amazing Heart at the Quality Inn on 4th Ave. Spokane, WA! Found under the bench in front of the building!


Apr 29

Radiation has been draining my strength I wasn’t quite sure I’d be awake for my next session. I thought a cup of coffee might help so I limped for the

Washington County, WI USA

Apr 29

My partner and I were halfway to the Basilica on Holy Hill, mid-afternoon on a clear, windless Sunday (April 28th). On a downhill stretch, I noticed this little ornament on

Madison, WI USA

Apr 29

Saw this cool quilted little heart laying in the leaves outside of my office, right next to Stellas Bakery… I wasn’t sure what it was or if someone had lost

Alexandria, VA USA

Apr 29

I found my quilted heart in the elevator of the movie theater after seeing “Avengers:Endgame”. It was a very nice surprise!

Newport, TN USA

Apr 29

I was leaving a church retreat and saw the heart hanging in the tree next to where I parked. Trust me, it made made day! I’ve been going through a

Las Vegas, NV USA

Apr 29

I found this amazing little heart in the lawn section of Downtown Summerlin in Las Vegas. There had been a very busy and large yoga festival the day before. I

Davis, CA USA

Apr 29

F and 4th Davis ca I was walking my dogs

Washington, DC USA

Apr 29

I found it waiting in line to get ice tea at the Washington convention center

Davis, CA USA

Apr 29

I love it. I found it among a potted flower bed near a grocery store. I generally don’t go on this side of the store due to strong urine smell

Davis, CA USA

Apr 29

I was having a rough time with my homework so I decided to take a break by walking through the Aboretum at UC Davis. I was taking pictures of all

Davis, CA USA

Apr 29

I was touring UC Davis with my friend and stumbled upon this beautifully quilted heart next to the rock garden. It truly made my day!

Davis, CA USA

Apr 29

On the way to dinner, I discovered a lovely surprise next to the parking garage’s elevator, hooked on one of signs marking a bike rack. Whoever made this is the

Davis, CA USA

Apr 29

I found a quilted, cute heart in Tercero at UC Davis. Thanks :o)

Las Vegas, NV USA

Apr 29

Walking my granddog,watching the ducks,what a sweet surprise ❤️My quilted heart.

Fontana, CA USA

Apr 29

Found at Rosa Maria’s in Fontana ca. It made my day brighter thank you.

Costa Mesa, CA USA

Apr 29

I found this at the pet expo in Costa Mesa ca. While walking around with my whole family and grandson!!!

Vacaville, CA USA

Apr 29

I was shopping at Lowe’s with my 10 month old granddaughter. I went to return the cart to the cart corral and something caught my eye on one of the

Long Beach, CA USA

Apr 29

I found the heart hanging from a tree and it was across the way from the Japanese garden on CSULB campus. It occurred in the morning when I was walking