New Orleans, LA USA

 found my quilted heart in New Orleans at Cafe Du Monde.  

Murphy’s, CA USA

I had just completed a task that I normally would never do, and fair successfully at that. My teammate in this task and I were walking back to work and

Novato, CA USA

I was watering the tree outside my place of work one sunny Saturday. I noticed the quilted heart, and it instantly made me smile. It now hangs by my desk

Ottawa, ON Canada

found this on my morning walk with my dog Luna-nice pick me up on this dreary rainy day. It’s the second one that I find in my neighborhood.Thank you for

Ottawa, ON Canada

I was coming up in the elevator in my office building and there was beautiful heart hanging on the rail around the elevator. What a surprise it brightened my day.

Port Orford, OR USA

I found a quilted heart on September 16th on the beach trail at Cape Blanco State Park near Port Orford Oregon. I was so touched by the simple message attached

Mendota, MN USA

I found this beautiful heart walking into work. It was flying in the wind on our planter. What a wonderful way to tell people they matter and are loved. It

Sorrento, Italy

We were on our last day of our honeymoon, and we found this stunning heart! What an amazing way to end the perfect honeymoon 💕 Heart sower:  Please read the

Williamsburg, VA USA

We’re visiting Colonial Williamsburg and really enjoying it. We had just visited the Wetherburn Tavern on a tour and sat down next to the Tarpley, Thompson and Company clothing shop.

Sedona, AZ USA

**heart sew-ers/sow-ers, all hearts should read “I Need A Home” My sister and I were on a hiking trip at the Cathedral Rock parking area in Sedona and found the

Philadelphia, PA USA

I found the heart in Old City Philadelphia after walking around a street fair. I was with my boyfriend and my dog when we spotted the heart! It was such

Winston Salem, NC USA

Found this beauty hanging on a tiny limb in the Sam’s Club parking lot off Hanes Mall Blvd. Such a very nice surprise to come upon! What a sweet way

Philadelphia, PA USA

A Heart in Philadelphia’s Love Park – How Fitting I was on a school trip in Philadelphia where when touring the famous LOVE Park, my good friend came across the

Napa, CA USA

Found on Jefferson on a walk. It’s a pretty day. The green caught my eye. It’s the 2nd heart I have found! I think it will be a fabulous weekend!

Reno, NV USA

I found my quilted heart in an elevator on my way to go get my final labwork drawn for my upcoming kidney transplant. Simply finding this heart brightened my day

Temecula, CA USA

**heart sew-ers/sow-ers, all hearts should read “I Need A Home”   Me, my wife , daughter & nephew had breakfast in Old Town at Swing Inn. It was a nice

New York, NY USA

I was on vocation in New York City and i found the heart while a walk through the Central Park. I was reading the signs at the park benches and

Tifton, GA USA

Had a craving for some Keebler’s Fudge Stripes so I stopped at Dollar General, Hwy 41 in Tifton, GA and found this sweet quilted heart hanging on a tree near

Wembley, AB Canada

**heart sew-ers/sow-ers, use only approved wording on tags.   We found this on our walk With the dogs at Sunset Park in Wembley. Definitely brightened my day!

Salado, TX USA

I found a heart!!  I found a Halloween themed quilted heart at the post office in Salado TX.

Vacaville, CA USA

I found this quilted heart at Crossroad Church in Vacaville, CA hanging from a spigot outside the Cubbies room. Knowing about this fabulous project, I thought about who the maker

Temecula, CA USA

**heart sew-ers/sow-ers, all hearts should read “I Need A Home” My boyfriend and I went to Home Depot on 10/8/19 in the evening and when he went to go grab

Sacramento, CA USA

I found this quilted heart inside an elevator at a Hospital I work at in Sacramento California. I was on my way to get lunch and noticed something hanging on

Moraga, CA USA

Saint Mary’s College, :  I was on my way to my Greek class after printing out an essay for said Greek class in the library. I just noticed it in

Philadelphia, PA USA

I found a quilted heart in Old City-Philadelphia. It was wonderfully tied to the gate leading to my cottage.

Valley Center, CA USA

Thank you for placing this wonderful heart in the pumpkin patch at Bates Nut Farm.  

Temecula, CA USA

I was doing my laundry. And of course i was hungry. So i went over to Subway to grab a sandwich. And right in front of my parking spot i

Tempe, AZ USA

South West institute of healing arts.  Yoga Nidra practicum at SWINA in Tempe AZ.

Marana, AZ USA

I found this in the parking lot at Costco today. I just thought someone lost something and I picked it up. What a nice surprise to find the sweet message.

New York, NY USA

I was walking home from school. I like looking at the water. But when I looked, I saw something attached to the fence around the reservoir. It was a little

Redondo Beach, CA USA

I found this cute little blue denim puffy heart on a bush on my way to breakfast at the Hollywood in Redondo Beach, California. USA. It gave me so much

Vacaville, CA USA

We just got done riding the train at the Nut Tree and while walking back to the car I spotted this in a tree. Thank you for the kind gesture.

Mission Valley, CA USA

Wonderful Idea! Needed this today not feeling loved and great reminder there are people out there who are amazing! Feel the love now!

Vacaville, CA USA

Found the heart at Magnolia Park in Vacaville CA! Me and my daughter were so excited to find it.

Vacaville, CA USA

We found this heart in a park while waiting out several hours for our home’s open house. We spotted it in a tree and were happy to see it was

Valley Center, CA USA

My son found this heart at Bates Nut Farm hanging in a tree when we came for our annual trip to the pumpkin patch

Vacaville, CA USA

Hello my daughters and I were at the 3 oaks community center park in Vacaville California. My daughters Ava and Grace found the heart attached to a swing. They were

Unionville, ON Canada

I found my quilted heart on a bench on main st in Unionville Ontario on Oct 5 at the Gilmore Girls Fan Feat. Thank you