I parked my car in the shoulder grass in our subdivision to go into an estate sale. My leg was in a big clunky boot from an injury and I was bound for the grocery store with a mile-long list for Thanksgiving dinner for 20 and, uncharacteristically, I just could not get ramped up to do everything needed, ESPECIALLY go to the store. So I peeled off to the estate sale (so much more fun!) and hobbled down the street, when I spotted this heart hanging from a tiny low branch in front of a vacant lot, just visible behind someone’s car, and partly due to the plain muslin back showing against the grey trees of the woods. Always curious, I hobbled on the uneven ground to pluck the heart from the twig. It was a sweet reminder to me of God’s love and provision for me through His Son, Jesus, who took the punishment for all my sin and gave me eternal life and love in it’s place. He lavishes good things on me and delights to show that His watchful eye is upon me, encouraging me in the simple everyday moments of life and giving me strength to run the race set before me. Thanks to whomever left the QH there for me to find!