Vallecito, CA USA

My husband and I went to Natural Bridges for the day to enjoy the sun and amazing swimming area.We swam for a while and I started a conversation with another lady there who was in a raft. We had been talking for a while and this other woman bumped into me and said, “I dont mean to be rude but can you move so I can get a better picture of my friends in the water. Well it was rude and it put me in a bad mood because I was not in the way. She could have moved herself. I was super bent out of shape. It had been a beautiful day and I told my husband I was ready to go because I didnt feel comfortable there being asked to move in a scenic area. We climbed up a steep embankment to reach the trail and off to my left I saw something catch my eye in the bushes. I thought it may have been a little girls hair bow. I pulled it off the bushes an noticed it was a purple quilted heart! Immediately the problem I had with the lady subsided and I was struck with amazement that someone so very kind left that heart there for me to pick up. I love quilts and I love hearts and I love whoever it was that left the heart for me. Yes…even if it was the rude woman who asked me to get out of her way. Although I doubt it was. LOL What a great way to have ended my day there. I always have a great time there and the quilted heart made sure of it.