I’m currently going through a divorce. Thousands of miles away, my college boyfriend (from 30 years ago) is, as well. Neither one of us knew much about the deteriorating marriages we were both in until recently. The hurts we experienced from our soon-to-be ex-spouses were very similar. We admitted that we both always thought of the other over the years and wondered what could have been if we had stayed together, but we were young and immature. Life took us different directions, we came to know the Lord, and we have both went through the fire to become better people. Being back in each other’s lives as we talk on the phone, could it possibly be the start of a blooming love coming back from years past? Or a friendship growing deeper? Possibly one or possibly both. Either way, we never stopped loving each other through the years. This little heart was found while I was on a walk, receiving a text from him. My heart is healing…I have accepted my current place in life. I feel free. With my friend thousands of miles away, we are both free to heal and be supportive of each other without rushing into any kind of relationship other than to be supportive and giving…and because of our past, we can nourish the other with memories while also being supportive of future hopes! This little heart reminded me that life is GOOD! Thank you so much.