My name’s Denise and this is my story of how IFAQH. Today is Wednesday May 15th 2024 and exactly 2 months today that the lord called my mom to go home with him. I just recently returned to work after loosing mom and then having hernia surgery 2 days after moms services. My work place being the place I found this little gift that I take as a sign from my mom. She so loved roses and was so very loving. I really was lucky to have her as my mom. Well here I am pushing shopping carts where they go at Boscov’s Department Store mom’s favorite store. I look in the next cart to fix and there is this cute little heart in a baggie in the cart. It instantly brought a smile to my face. I didn’t know this was a thing. I took it to the main courtesy desk to be called back after my coworkers looked it up and said it is mine and I should get on here and tell my story ❤️ Thanks mom I love you too